About Us
Contact us & let our security services give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Our Beginnings
In our time in the security industry, we have witnessed a steady increase in the need for security services. The expectations of security personnel have also changed because our communities, and its perception of security, have evolved. Our communities have identified what quality, professionalism, and competency mean to them and refuse to settle for anything less. Unfortunately, in some cases, the training and the quality of security professionals have not been in par with the demands. In fact, we have witnessed a plateau and sometimes a degradation of the quality being represented in our industry.
With over 60 combined years’ experience in the physical security industry, 30 combined years in VIP Protection Operations, and 18 years’ experience in the hospitality and events industry, we understand the significance in committing to an investment toward our security personnel in order to change this negative paradigm of subpar security personnel. We identify and believe the product is the people that make up the security professionals in our company. We have the foresight in understanding that better and relevant progressive training is the key to raising the bar in our industry. This is the first and most significant step in being able to deliver to you, the quality of security professionals you deserve.
Our goal is to raise the level of the quality of our security personnel so that it is viewed on the level of other first responder professions such as the police services, fire services, and paramedic services. The resemblance should be not just in how we look but also in how we conduct our work. This is evident in our professionalism, accountability, competency, and the way we conduct our duties, with integrity. We will endeavour to create a realization that the physical security industry, much like the aforementioned professions, can be a feasible career option.
Our intention is to create and cultivate a company that takes pride in what we do. Where our staff can feel a sense of contentment and accomplishment in the support and training, they receive. Ultimately our investment in our personnel is to foster confidence and expertise in order to be successful in every situation. “To protect with valor and serve with compassion thus creating elite security for a changing world”; to be able to offer this to you, our Clients.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to raise the standard of the physical security industry and not settling for the mold of how the industry is currently perceived. We will endeavour to understand and address the current security situations in our community.
In order to stay relevant long term, we will:
- Show our audacity and determination in changing the current landscape of the security industry
- Show our brilliance in how we adapt to an ever-changing environment and how we perform our duties outside of current expectations
- Be prudent and committed in investing in our security personnel with progressive and consistent training
Our Mission is to commit to provide top-tier physical security services focused on our client's needs, thus creating our legacy of exemplary customer service and a sense of assurance for our Clients.
We value in our employees and in ourselves:
- The Passion and Dignity that drives us in what we do
- The Accountability and Integrity of how we conduct our work
- The Exemplary Effort and Competency in how we perform our duties; adhering to the laws and statutes that govern our province, and our nation.